Golden Ears Pump Station & Sanitary Sewer Overflow Tank
The Golden Ears Pump Station and SSO Tank project involved the successful construction of a new sewage pump station and sanitary sewer overflow tank, complete with associated piping, valves, equipment, and equipment rooms. This encompassed the establishment of new tie-ins to the existing Katzie Pump Station wet-well.
The project encompassed the creation of state-of-the-art odor control facilities for both the pump station and SSO tank, including the installation of corresponding foul air piping. A new generator facility and access road were also constructed to ensure comprehensive project functionality. With the challenge of a compact construction site located adjacent to a major highway, the critical protection and relocation of equipment and utilities were meticulously managed during the construction of the new infrastructure. This required a high level of coordination to guarantee uninterrupted operation of the existing Corporation facilities throughout the project’s execution.
In addition to the above, the project featured several essential elements, including excavation, backfill, shoring, site grading, and the construction of new roads to achieve the final site grades and access routes. The scope included the excavation and responsible offsite disposal of both contaminated and uncontaminated soils, as well as comprehensive dewatering and groundwater treatment, including rigorous testing and reporting.
The project was all-encompassing, covering general, civil, demolition, landscaping, architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing, HVAC, process and instrumentation, electrical, EV Charging Stations, and commissioning aspects. This included the construction of site access roads, laydown areas, onsite or offsite, and implementation of robust traffic control measures.
The project concluded with comprehensive testing, start-up procedures, and commissioning activities for all newly constructed facilities.
Detailed record drawings and comprehensive operations and maintenance manuals were delivered to ensure seamless post-construction operations and management.
Project Delivery Methods:
Project Sectors:
Project Services:
Project Owner:
- Metro Vancouver, BC
Project Consultant:
- Stantec
By the Numbers
sewage overflow tank capacity of 22,000 cubic meters

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